Broota Psychological Services (BPS) was established in the year 2000 to provide Psychological services at the individual as well as the organizational levels. At the individual level, it was to help people resolve their Personality conflicts and other problems related to their adjustments in the family and social situations and also to provide counseling and guidance services. The assessment and evaluation of the individual was through interview or psychometric techniques. At the organizational level the problems handled involved Psychometric evaluation, generally Personality (both normal as well as dysfunctional). Other problems dealt are: Selection; Training; Counseling; Coaching; Competency mapping; etc.
Number of Psychologist help the organization in dealing with the said areas of work under the distinguished and able leadership of two eminent Psychologists: Prof Dr. KDBroota, (Psychometrician) and Prof Dr. Aruna Broota (Clinical Psychologist).

Prof Dr. KDBroota
Ph.D., FNA Psy.
B.A (Maths), M.A (Psychology), Ph.D (Cognitive Psy), Post-Doc (USA). Has been Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Delhi. Postdoctoral at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin and other US and European Universities. Has to his credit various national and international awards, most prominent being Ford Foundation and Fulbright Senior Fellowship. He was invited to various national and international universities for lectures, seminars and workshops. He has published more than 80 research papers in prominent national and international Journals. Supervised more than 50 Ph. D and 25 MPhil researches. He has published a book “ Experimental Design in Behavioural Research”
Published by New Age International, New Delhi and John Wiley ,New York and number of Book Chapters. Published 64 Aptitude Tests (Self Administered) in Hindustan Times (Horizons) from August 2000 to 2001. He has to his credit a number of Psychological Tests: Personality; Aptitudes; Interest: etc. Has been teaching Postgraduate courses at the University of Delhi, Delhi for 35 years.
His areas of specialization is Cognitive Psychology, Research Methodology, and Psychometrics. He has been Editor of some Prominent Journals.

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