Assessing your innermost dispositions
(Psychometric Unit)
Prof KDBroota, Ph.D., FNA Psy
Prof Aruna Broota, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
HEALTHY HEALTH (Robust Health)
The term “HEALTH” has assumed great significance following the dreaded Pandemic (Covid-19), in which millions of people, all over the world, suffered and perished, experiencing unprecedented trauma. The onslaught of the deadly virus was so severe and uncontrollable that even highly developed countries, having excellent health services, could not effectively control the disease. People of all ages, young and old were equally affected. However, across the board, there were some exceptions too. It was observed that some people, with better immunity, in spite of exposure to the virus were unaffected. These people seem to possess, what we may call, Healthy Health or robust health. In other words, some individuals have stronger immunity that can effectively resist widespread infection conditions.
Research on the subject reveals that there are certain factors that result in promoting Healthy Health. Factors like healthy genes, healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and Yoga, proper nutrition, avoiding smoking and drinking, controlling weight, stress, etc. Here, with our vast experience with counseling and psychometric evaluation have developed and standardized Tests, presented here, to assess how healthy (or robust) is your Health.
What is Health ?
Health according to Oxford Dictionary: ” Soundness of body, general condition of the body; usually qualified as good, bad, delicate, etc”. Earlier definitions emphasized the soundness of the body, the absence of disease or infirmity, and sometimes feelings of well-being. In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) modified the concept of health: Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Thus, the emphasis is changed from physical condition to a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Later, on the insistence of India, the dimension of spiritual health was included along with physical, mental, and social.
In our long clinical experience, dealing with normal and abnormal personalities, it has been observed that health is a construct (like intelligence) that has a number of different dimensions, over and above what WHO’s definition Includes (Physical, Mental, Social, and Spiritual). In our opinion/experience, two more dimensions need to be included to make it a holistic measure of one’s Health. The additional dimensions included are Emotional Health and Financial Health. These dimensions (available here as a package), have been found to be optimum in assessing the present and the future course of one’s Health.
- HEALTHY HEALTH PACKAGE ( Cost: INRs. 5,000.00)
- c. SOCIAL HEALTH (BT-003).
NOTE: In case you want to go straight to the Test, click the desired Test listed below:
- HEALTHY HEALTH PACKAGE (Proceed, Pay, & attempt)
The psychometric tools (Tests) presented in this online Health assessment series have been developed and standardized, by highly qualified and experienced authors (KDB & AB), with long experience in the fields of Psychometry, Personality, Counseling, and Psychotherapy. Developing and standardizing a psychometric tool is a rigorous process that involves careful conceptualization and defining of constructs, planning, designing, data collection, data analysis, validation and reliability procedures and establishment of norms. All these critical steps have been followed assiduously in developing and standardizing these Tests.
For interpretation, raw scores of individuals are converted into standardized scores and norms have been established using empically derived normal distribution curve.

Prof. Dr. K.D.Broota, M.A (Psychology), Ph.D., FNA Psy:
Postdoc from University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. Was awarded Ford Foundation Fellowship and Fulbright Senior Fellowship to visit USA. Have been Professor & Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Delhi. Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. Teaching Post-graduate classes, Delhi University 35 years and University of Wisconsin. Published over 80 research papers in national and international Journals. Guided over 50 Ph.D students, 25 M.Phil and over 100 M.A dissertations. Published Psychometric Test: 64 Aptitude Tests weekly in Hindustan Times (Horizons), 60 Tests in Hindi in Dainik Bhaskar (Madhurima), 15 Aptitude Tests for Amar Ujala.Authored a book: “Experimental Design in Behavioural Research” published by John Wiley & Sons (New York) & Wiley Eastern Limited (New Delhi) 1989. New revised edition (2020) by New Age International Publishers (New Delhi). Also published book chapters in prominent books.
Participated in the deliberations of the 52nd meeting of Human Rights, UN, Geneva in April 1996. Have been Editor ICSSR Journal of Abstracts & Reviews. Invited for lectures/seminars to various countries: USA, West Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Great Britain, etc. Chaired scientific sessions in conferences in India and abroad. Presently, consultant to various organizations, most prominent being: Amar Ujala, Indian Oil, Hindustan Petroleum, Indraprastha Gas, JK Tyers & Industries, various Banks, Defense Psychological Research, DRDO, etc. Fellow of National Academy of Psychology, India.
Prof. Dr. Aruna Broota, B.A (Hons.), Psy, M.A (Psychology), Ph.D:

Broota Psychological Services (BPS) was established in the year 2000 to provide Psychological services at the individual as well as the organizational levels. At the individual level, it was to help people resolve their Personality conflicts and other problems related to their adjustments in the family and social situations and also to provide counseling and guidance services. The assessment and evaluation of the individual was through interview or psychometric techniques. At the organizational level the problems handled involved Psychometric evaluation, generally Personality (both normal as well as dysfunctional). Other problems. handled are: Selection; Training; Counseling; Coaching; Competency mapping; etc.
Our Psychometric Unit deals with the development and standardization of Psychological Tests. BPS has developed and standardized large number of psychometric tools: Aptitude Tests; Attitude Tests; Measurement of Beliefs; Persoonality Tests; Intelligence Test, etc. The set of Tests included in this website have also been developed and standardized by BPS.
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Broota Psychological Services 7/29 Roop Nagar,
Delhi - 110 007 India